
Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - Brussels, Belgium.


Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - Brussels, Belgium.

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Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - Brussels, Belgium.

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Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - March 2022 - Brussels, Belgium.

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Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - September 2021 - Brussels, Belgium.

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Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - November 2020 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - September 2019 - Brussels, Belgium.

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Worldhotel Wings - Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

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InterContinental Hotel - Berlin, Germany.

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World Fashion Center - Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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Pictures by Juanistyle Photography www.juanistylephotography.com


ENG - Yatta! ("I succeeded" in Japanese) - Award for Best Photographer at the African Lion Awards. I would like first to thank my family members who were the first ones I photographed, my friends, my teammate photographers and all the people I worked with and photographed over the years.

I am a better photographer and a better person thanks to you. Thanks again!

FR - Yatta! ("j'ai réussi" en japonais) - Prix du Meilleur Photographe aux Africain Lion Awards. Je voudrais remercier d'abord les membres de ma famille qui ont été les premiers que j'ai photographié, mes amis, mes coéquipiers photographes et toutes les personnes avec lesquelles j'ai collaboré et photographié au cours de toutes ces années.

Je suis un meilleur photographe et une meilleure personne grâce à vous. Merci encore!

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Last week I had the pleasure to come back to Berlin for the European Group Travel Awards with HotelPlanner.com as the official photographer. The InterContinental Berlin is as always a great place to stay and work. Here is a selection of pictures and the video that I created for this event. Enjoy!

Anno Domini 2017 video Cover Picture

FR - Le film de l'année 2017 en images par Juanistyle Photography. Ce fut une année pleine à capturer la beauté, à capturer l'émotion et à construire des souvenirs. Rendez-vous en 2018 pour de nouvelles aventures!

ENG - The film of the year 2017 in pictures by Juanistyle Photography. It was a full year capturing beauty, capturing emotion and building memories. See you in 2018 for new adventures!


FR - Super content! Mes nouveaux livres de présentation de photos sont arrivés et ils sont plus beaux que je les avais imaginé: couverture & coffret en cuir - blanc pour les photos de mariage et rouge pour les portraits. Nous bossons dur pour nos photos et notre travail mérite d'être honoré de la sorte.

ENG - So happy! My new photo books have arrived and they are more beautiful than I imagined them: leather cover & leather case - white for wedding photos and red for portraits. We are working hard for our pictures and our work deserves to be honored in this way.


FR - L'hiver et le froid m'ont trop servi d'excuse de ne pas mettre le nez dehors dernièrement. La météo n'est pas idéale aujourd'hui et il faudra affronter la pluie et le vent pour prendre d'autres clichés - Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - www.juanistylephotography.com - April 2017 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

ENG - The winter and the cold have served me too much as an excuse not to put the nose outside lately. The weather is not ideal today and he will have to confront the rain and the wind to take other pictures - Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - www.juanistylephotography.com - April 2017 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - InterContinental Hotel Berlin‎ Germany. The European Group Travel Awards celebrated the finest suppliers in the group travel industry on March 9th 2017 at the prominent Intercontinental Berlin. Awards were presented honoring leading organizations offering the highest quality of group travel experiences and outstanding services ranging from hotels to tour operators, city destinations, ocean cruise lines, and more.

Best Of 2016

FR - Voici en vidéo une sélection de mes photos préférées que j'ai prises en 2016. Beaucoup de bons souvenirs et d'émotions en revoyant ces images. Je vous donne rendez-vous en 2017 pour d'autres belles photos!

ENG - Here is a video of a selection of my favorite photos I took in 2016. Many good memories and emotions by reviewing these images. See you in 2017 for other beautiful photos!


FR - C'est désormais possible: Juanistyle Photography propose avec les livres de photos qu'il conçoit la clé USB avec un coffret assorti pour les images au format digital.

ENG - It is now possible: @Juanistyle Photography offers with the photo books he designs the USB key with a matching case for images in digital format.

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Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - September 2016 - Heerlen, The Netherlands.

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Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - www.juanistylephotography.com - Belgium.

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Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - juanistylephotography.com - March 2016 - InterContinental Hotel - Berlin‎, Germany. The European Group Travel Awards celebrated the finest suppliers in the group travel industry on March 10th 2016 at the prominent Intercontinental Berlin. 20 awards were presented honoring leading organizations offering the highest quality of group travel experiences and outstanding services ranging from hotels to tour operators, city destinations, ocean cruise lines, and more.

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Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - www.juanistyle Photography - waterloo, Belgium.

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FR - Retrouvailles avec Za après 3 longues années. Pour cette occasions, j'ai eu l'opportunité de prendre quelques photos lors du tournage de son clip "GWB III".

ENG -Reunion with Za after 3 long years. For this occasion, I had the opportunity to take some photos during the shooting of his video "GWB III".

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Pictures by Juanistyle Photography - www.juanistylephotography.com - Waterloo, Belgium.

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Ethno Tendance Fashion Weekend Brussels 2014 Inauguration Fashion Show - Hotel de la Poste - Tour & Taxis - October 2014 - Pictures by Juanistyle Photography. Soundtrack: Mavado - Give It All To Me ft. Nicki Minaj (Instrumental).

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FR - Ce fut la dernière fois que j'avais participé à Ethno Tendance Fashion Week en tant que photographe après d'avoir déménagé aux Pays-Bas. Cette galerie est consacrée aux créateurs qui ont participé à la soirée d'inauguration.

ENG - This was the last time I had participated in Ethno Tendance Fashion Week as a photographer after moving to the Netherlands. This gallery is devoted to the designers who participated in the inauguration evening.


FR - Ce fut la dernière fois que j'avais participé à Ethno Tendance Fashion Week en tant que photographe après d'avoir déménagé aux Pays-Bas. Cette galerie est consacrée aux mannequins qui ont participé à la soirée d'inauguration.

ENG - This was the last time I had participated in Ethno Tendance Fashion Week as a photographer after moving to the Netherlands. This gallery is devoted to the models that participated in the inauguration evening.
